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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More pics from Dallas trip

spatchcocked turkey!(yes that's what I said)
Beautiful and delicious!
The elf arrived just before we left!


The Bentleys said...

The spatchcocked turkey was perfect, not overcooked nor dry...delicious, as were other parts of our feast such as the roasted beet with goat cheese salad, corn pudding, etc. and the apple pie and pumpkin chocolate chip cheesecake! Other guests came to our dinner, so we had an old-fashioned, lovely Thanksgiving !

Thank you, Tommy and Annette...and Stella and Will, for a beautiful holiday! We love you!

Nikki said...

Watch your language!!! Spatchcocked???? It really looks yummy and Will & Stella are adorable! Glad you got to go.