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Monday, February 21, 2011

The 5 year old pool party! Finally!!!

The Greenridge Recreation Center is "wow"!!!!!! And the cake was a hit too!!!!


The Bentleys said...

We celebrated Gracie's birthday for a week because she had the flu on the original party time, so she ended up with small parties and finally had the big swimming party at Green Ridge with her buddies! She is five years old!

The Bentleys said...

Oh, dear, a veritable plethora of accompany the palace or castle cake! Gracie's momma made the cake...our noble, talented daughter ( and longsuffering! Cannot imagine making that masterpiece cake)!

Elizabeth said...

Just don't look at that cake tooo closely.

Not exactly "structurally sound".

oy vey.

Love it! Good post!