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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Adam & Colton Hogsed

Colton's expression is priceless!!!!(Just had to post this pic!!)


The Bentleys said...

This is now one of his auntie's "HAPPY" pictures!! How could you look and this and not simply laugh out loud? They are absolute dolls and Colton is hilarious!!

The Bentleys said...

This pic must be considered to be one of my favorite "HAPPY PICTURES"!!! I cannot look at this without smiling...often laughing out loud! Adam and Colton are both absolutely beautiful boys and Colton is a complete SCREAM! How photogenic is that child! Good Grief! What expressions!
My son-in-law frequently says that he is going to kidnap Colton and Colton's mamma, Nikki, responds usually by saying, "When are you coming to get him?" He is an absolute HOOT...never stops moving...He and Gracie Rose make a good pair...irrepressible and perpetual motion!